Monday, October 13, 2014

Hey family! Sounds like things are going well. I really love how you are reaching out to others in any way you can. Whether it be service, facebook and media! That is absolutlely fantastic. Our mission got to watch meet the mormons before it came out and I loved it. It will be a great tool for members to use. Soo use it! ha ha
   So to be honest this area is really tough and I am having a hard time with my companion. I have to drag that guy around everywhere and he always tries to do things that take up time that don't involve real missionary work. He is doing his time not the work and it is really hard to be the guy who has to hold everything together. Every companion that I have had before there have been rough patches, but we always had one thing in common we just want to get out there and do work. This guy is just ineffective and lazy. I could go on and nit pick about all the stuff that goes on, but it will only make me more frustrated. It sufficeth me to say that I probably need to pluck the beam out of my own eye. We do get out and work though so I can't complain. 
   The work here has been way slow. I know there is someone here that is seriously looking for the Gospel, but so far we have not found them. As far as stories go the only interesting thing that has really happened has been people trying to bash us. And since we never get the opportunity to really talk to anybody I sometimes indulge myself ... I know it is terrible. 
   Yesterday though we had a light shine through the dark. We were tracting a pretty rich neighborhood with little success. Until we knocked on B's door. He opens up and we immediately start talking about how families can be together forever and ask if he would be interested in hearing a message and he was like "ya, it is actually funny you guys came by, a couple days ago I found out that I might have cancer and so I have been thinking about that exact thing, come back next sunday in the afternoon and we will talk." Me and Elder R were just like Yes SIR! So there are little miracles here and there that I am very grateful for.

   Recently I have also really been valuing personal study. I learn so much everytime. The lord gives us so many tools to better our lives, but one thing that Dad pointed out that is the best tool is simply charity which I have really been lacking lately. I need to love my companion more, I need to love the people in our area more and I need to love the Lord more and acknowledge him in all my doings. Be grateful for everything you have and give the Lord thanks for it and you will begin to love life. That is my words of wisdom love -Elder Wagner