The other day I was on going on exchanges with some biking Elders and we had a rude encounter. We were not quite sure where to lock up our bikes so we see street sign which was almost on this guys lawn. It was kind of one of those places where the person marks it as his territory simply because he runs his personal lawn mower over it if you know what I mean. Also smack dab in the middle of his lawn he parked a classy muscle car so we figured it was no problem. About 30 mins later we are talking to this slightly slower nice old country guy outside when this old dude pulls up in a car and says (In different words) "Hey get your darned bikes off of my lawn!!!!" I respond matching his voice "Is it your Pole???" He yells back " No, but it is on my lawn!!" Then in a much gentler voice I say "oh we our terribly sorry, that must be such a bother we will remove them immediately." The old dude Peels out and the country guy that we were talking to says in his slow southern drawl "U can park your bikes on my lawn if u want, I wont yell atcha." "why thank you!" says my companion for the day . We were laughing about that for the rest of the day.
There are a couple cool things happening but the number one is Pat the lady that I wrote about las week/ We have had some really awesome lessons with her since I last mentioned her. She is so ready. She is one of those people who just wants to repent but never knew how. She is a reading machine as well. Its absolutley lovely meeting with people who want to progress rather then spending all of our efforts trying to get them to want to.
Well that is about all the news that is news. Finnley is adorable, you guys look great and so does Oregon. The VA is about to get real pretty real soon, as fall starts coming in. I love you all so much and pray for you often -Elder Wagner
August 31, 2015
*A side note - Kaleb was born in WV, his dad went to Dental School in Morgantown WV so we lived there for 5 years then we moved to Waynesburg PA were his dad worked in a clinic 30 mins away in WV. We lived in Greensburg PA for 6 years and attended a small Branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints there. Season was a teenager who got baptized while were in this small branch. )* Their family had the missionaries over for dinner (Elder Wagner and his companion) and made the connections. It's a small world in the church. (Kaleb was 4 years old when we moved to Oregon) I learned about pepperoni rolls from a friend while we were living in WV, they were created so they could take them down in the coal mines for their lunches. WV is know for their coal mines. * K'Lynne
I have really been digging back in my memory lately to my eastern days. It was really cool to meet Season. She is in our ward and known as Sister T. We were talking about our backgrounds and things started to line up! She asked me if my name was Kyle and if I had a little sister named Krystal. I told her the real deal and she remembers everything. She remembered you and Dad really well. She said that Sister Wagner probably won't remember me, but I told her that you would haha. Also I was talking to a member in our ward who is from West Virginia and pepperoni rolls came up. I told him that I had not had an in years! So the next day he went to the store and bought me some! I will send you a picture. I don't think it was the legit stuff though haha.
So We are continuing to work with Pat. That clever pide piper has really been on her these last 2 weeks. She was so supposed to be Baptized on the 5th but last Sunday morning her husband fell and bruised his kidney and she had to take him to the hospital. This Sunday something went wrong with her pancreas and it put her in the hospital for 3 days! We went to visit her and she said this is either really Bad and God wants me to avoid you guys at all costs or this is really good and the devil wants me to avoid you at all costs. We assured her it was the latter haha.
Something I learned from that though is Usually God does not take away our trials, rather he gives us the strength to be able to bear them. We learn how to do that through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Being here has really changed my perspective on a lot of things. I don't think my testimony is any stronger than when it was when I left. However I have come to know what my responsibility is now because it is true. Sure I know the scriptures a lot better, as well as how to answer the tough questions, but most importantly I am learning how to be a better person. I thought I was a pretty good guy before the mission and I was, but there are so many times when I look back at some of the stuff I did and literally do a face palm. Repentance is real folks!
We ran into a guy this week who told us that he was raised in a church that taught him that he should not talk to us. He had no idea why, but didn't want to hear the message. When people say things of that nature it really makes me do a double take. I imagine in my head someone putting their fingers in their ears and yelling LALALALA I can't hear you! Usually people do that kind of thing when the other person is saying something that is true and it is easier to just shut them out rather then hear them out. Preach My Gospel says find them that will receive you so fortunately we don't spend to much time with people who do that kind of thing.
Overall it has been a great week. two members in the ward helped us find new investigators this week which is always amazing. Inviting friends over for dinner with the missionaries is the best way to do it. it can be intimidating but if you have got a good companionship it always turns out well. Try it!!
Love Elder Wagner